



Ultrasound 3D/4D

WPG is excited to offer 3D/4D ultrasound technology as a great bonding experience for you and your baby.  The 3D/4D technology allows you and your loved ones to take a sneak peak at your newest addition prior to his/her arrival. This technology is offered in our office and performed by a registered sonographer. The 3D/4D ultrasound is best performed during the third trimester between 27-29 weeks.This bonding experience is NOT billable to insurance as it is elective and for entertainment purposes only. The cost for the 3D/4D session is $150.  Please contact the office to schedule an appointment.

Early Gender Reveal

Congratulations you are pregnant! Is it a girl or a boy? Are you like most of our patients who can’t wait to discover the gender of your newest addition?  Well, now you can and as early as 15 weeks. WPG can now provide you an opportunity to take an early look.  We are now offering early gender reveal ultrasounds for only $55/$80 for twins! Please contact our office for more details and to schedule your early gender reveal ultrasound appointment.

Main Office


681 South White Station Road
Suite 111
Memphis, TN 38117





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